What is the First Appointment with a Psychologist Like?

Here's what your first appointment with a psychologist will look like, from initial paperwork and assessments to setting a treatment plan and post-session reflections.

Deciding to see a psychologist for the first time can feel overwhelming, especially if you're not sure what to expect. This article aims to demystify the process, providing insights into what you can typically expect from your initial appointment, often known as an intake session or initial consultation.

Before the Appointment

Before you meet with a psychologist, you might be asked to complete some initial paperwork. This often includes a questionnaire about your medical history, current symptoms, and the issues that led you to seek help. This information helps the psychologist prepare for your session and understand what you're going through.

Beginning of the Session

At the start of the session, the psychologist will typically review the confidentiality agreement with you. It's crucial to understand that whatever you discuss in therapy is confidential, with some exceptions for instances where your safety or the safety of others may be at risk. They may also go over the structure and length of the sessions, cancellation policies, and fees.

If you have a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from your GP, you should present it at this point. This plan outlines your mental health needs and the treatments recommended, and it allows you to access a Medicare rebate for a certain number of psychology sessions per calendar year.

The Initial Discussion

After the formalities, the psychologist will likely start the conversation by asking why you decided to seek therapy. You may discuss the issues you're currently facing, your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and any goals you might have for therapy.

This part of the session is your opportunity to open up about your experiences and concerns. The psychologist's role is to listen empathetically, ask questions to understand better, and begin to identify patterns or issues that could be addressed in therapy.

Remember, you don't have to share everything in the first session. It's okay to share what you're comfortable with and gradually open up as you develop trust with your psychologist.

The Assessment

Part of your first session may involve an assessment, which could take several forms. The psychologist might use a structured interview, where they ask specific questions designed to diagnose mental health conditions. They could also use psychological tests, which are standardized measures designed to assess various aspects of your mental health.

This assessment process helps the psychologist understand your needs better, formulate a diagnosis if applicable, and guide the development of your treatment plan.

Setting the Treatment Plan

Towards the end of your first session, your psychologist will discuss their initial impressions and propose a treatment plan. This plan outlines the therapeutic approach they suggest, the goals for therapy, and the estimated length of treatment.

It's essential to remember that this plan is flexible and can be adjusted as you progress through therapy. It's also a collaborative process, so feel free to express any concerns or preferences you have about the proposed treatment plan.

After the Session

After the session, it's common to feel a range of emotions. Opening up about your feelings and experiences can be challenging, and it's natural to feel a bit drained or emotional. It's important to take some time for self-care after your appointment.

In the days following the session, you might want to reflect on what was discussed and how you felt about the session. This reflection can help you identify any questions or concerns you might have for your next appointment.


Your first appointment with a psychologist is primarily about understanding your needs, establishing a therapeutic relationship, and setting the foundation for future sessions. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and your journey with therapy will be tailored to suit your individual needs and circumstances.

It's normal to feel nervous, but understanding what to expect can make the process less intimidating. With time, therapy can become a safe space for you to explore your feelings, overcome challenges, and work towards better mental health.
