Search by availability & clinical criteria

Find psychologists by suburb and their regularly updated availability. For tricky cases that require a specific area of expertise, you can also search by:

Focus Ages such as child or adult
Specialist Themes such as depression or infertility
Specialist Disorders such as bipolar or ADHD
Communities such as cross cultural or queer friendly
Registration such as Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsych
Fees charged
Whether the practitioner bulk bills
Whether the practitioner provides telehealth
Clinical Search Criteria
Results Sorted by Proximity and Availability

Share practitioner details with your patients

Select psychologists that you think are a good match and then share their details via unique referral links directly from the platform. Share a single psychologist, or group many together and let your patient choose.

Copy out booking details or generate a unique share link for patients.

Patients who view the unique share link see summarised information about the psychologist.